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    1.  2014年5月20日,在瑞士日内瓦出席第67届世界卫生大会期间,巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非代表团团长代表金砖国家举行会议。
    2.  忆及2011年、2013年分别在北京、新德里和开普敦召开的金砖国家卫生部长会议发表的《北京宣言》、《德里宣言》和《开普敦公报》,以及2013年5月20日在日内瓦世界卫生大会期间金砖国家卫生部长发表的《联合公报》,各方承诺加强金砖国家内部合作,提高金砖国家人民的健康水平。他们决定通过技术工作组和金砖国家卫生战略项目合作框架继续加强卫生领域合作。
    3.  重申承诺在重点领域的合作:加强卫生监测体系;通过预防和健康促进降低非传染性病风险因素;全民健康覆盖;重点关注传染病和非传染病的战略性卫生技术;医疗技术;药品研发。
    4.  注意到千年发展目标,尤其是与卫生相关的千年发展目标的重要性和相关性。他们呼吁联合国会员国在2015年后发展议程讨论中把卫生作为重要内容予以应有的考虑。强调对全民健康覆盖的讨论必须包括加强国家卫生体系和解决卫生人力资源,这是实现所有人健康福祉权利必不可少的组成部分。
    5.  强调需要把技术转让作为提高发展中国家能力的重要方法。他们强调,通过灵活使用《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》确保获得负担得起的、高质量的、有效的和安全的药品的重要性,包括非专利药,生物制品和诊断方法,对实现健康权很重要。他们还再次承诺加强卫生国际合作,特别是南-南合作,以支持发展中国家努力促进人人享有卫生保健。
    6.  感谢世界卫生组织在推进全球卫生议程方面的独特作用,他们重申支持当前世界卫生组织改革进程的讨论,以便更好地应对规划、组织和执行方面的全球挑战。他们重申世卫组织的政府间性质,并重申承诺维护世卫组织在全球卫生中的协调和领导权威。
    7.  重申他们对世界卫生组织公共卫生行动全球战略和计划、创新和知识产权全面实施的支持,促成了世界卫生组织开发筹资和协调问题磋商性专家工作小组(CEWG)。在这种背景下,提请注意具体提及标准示范项目的世界卫生大会决议WHA66.2和WHA65.24。他们进一步欢迎实施8个研发示范项目以解决不同程度地影响发展中国家的已明确的卫生差距,特别是贫穷国家,可针对这些国家立即采取行动,以及建立世界卫生组织全球卫生和发展观察站。他们还强调,筹资对卫生研发贡献的机制的讨论应该是完全透明和包容的,所有利益相关者广泛参与。
    8.  重申承诺利用《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》的灵活性促进药物可及、推动创新并与其他发展中国家分享这些经验。
    9.  决心通过金砖国家卫生战略项目合作框架继续加强卫生领域的合作,并支持完成《金砖国家全民健康覆盖监测与评估工具》。
    Joint Communiqué of the BRICS Member States on Health
    Geneva,Tuesday,20 May 2014
    1.The BRICS countries,represented by the Heads of Delegation of Brazil,Russia,India,China and South Africa,met on 20th May 2014 on the sidelines of the 67th session of the World Health Assembly in Geneva,Switzerland.
    2.Recalled the Beijing and Delhi Declaration and the Cape Town Communiqué of the BRICS Health Ministers Meetings in 2011 and 2013 and the Joint Communiqué of the BRICS Health Ministers in Geneva on 20th May 2013 on the sidelines of the 66th session of the World Health Assembly,in which they committed to strengthen intra-BRICS cooperation for promoting health of the BRICS population. They resolved to continue cooperation in the sphere of health through the Technical Working Groups and the “BRICS Framework for Collaboration on Strategic Projects in Health”.
    3.Reiterated their commitment to collaborate in key thematic areas focusing on strengthening health surveillance systems;reducing Non-Communicable disease (NCD)risk factors through prevention and health promotion;Universal Health Coverage (UHC);strategic healt technologies,with a focus on communicable and non-communicable diseases;medical technologies;and drug discovery and development.
    4.Noted the significance and relevance of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),in particular the health-related MDGs. They called upon UN Member States to give due consideration to health as an important issue in the discussions of the post-2015 development agenda. Emphasized that discussions on Universal Health Coverage must encompass strengthening national health systems and addressing human resources for health,which are essential for the fulfillment of the right to health and wellbeing for all.
    5.Emphasized the importance and need of technology transfer as a means to empower developing countries. They underlined the importance of ensuring access to affordable,quality,efficacious and safe medical products,including generic medicines,biological products,and diagnostics,through the use of TRIPS flexibilities,for the realization of the right to health. They also renewed commitment to strengthening international cooperation in health,and South-South cooperation in particular,with a view to supporting efforts in developing countries to promote health for all.
    6.Acknowledged the unique role of WHO (World Health Organization)in advancing the global health agenda.  They reiterated their support to current discussions on the process of reform of WHO so as to better respond to global challenges in programmatic,organizational and operational terms.  They reaffirmed the intergovernmental nature of WHO,and reiterated their commitment to preserve WHO as the coordinating and leading authority in global health.
    7.Reiterated their support to the full implementation of WHO Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health,Innovation and Intellectual Property,which gave rise to the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development,and,in this context,drew attention to WHA Resolutions WHA66.22 and WHA65.24 with specific reference to demonstration projects. They further welcomed the implementation of 8 R&D demonstration projects to address identified health gaps that disproportionately affect developing countries,particularly the poor,for which immediate action can be taken,as well as the establishment of a Global health and Development Observatory within WHO. They also underscored that the discussion of mechanisms for financial contributions to health research and development should be fully transparent and inclusive,with broad engagement of all relevant stakeholders.
    8.Reiterated their commitment to use TRIPS flexibilities to promote access to medicines,foster innovation and share these experiences with other developing countries.
    9.Resolved to continue cooperation in the sphere of health through the “BRICS Framework for Collaboration on Strategic Projects in Health”and support the finalization of the BRICS Monitoring and Evaluation Tool for Universal Health Coverage.(来源:国家卫生和计划生育委员会网站)